A History of the
Novice Class
Amateur Radio License,
1951 - 2000
1951, The Beginning
Submit Your Novice Story
---Our Novice Stories---
1951 - 1955
1956 - 1960
1961 - 1965
1966 - 1970
1971 - 1975
1976 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000

Submit a Novice story

Submit a Novice Story and/or Photo(s)

Please share with your fellow hams a story of your novice year(s). The story should mainly focus on your novice period. Please send the story in a Word document (.doc). Make sure to copy edit before you send it. Do not send .PDF files. Please do not zip or compress your files.

Only rarely have we refused a story. This is a website about novice history. Religious, political commentary are not appropriate. An attack on others is not permitted.

Photos are welcomed. We get very positive feedback about the novice photos. Hams love to see them! The photos should be from your novice year(s). They can also be a new picture of novice gear you still have or a .jpeg scan of your novice license or logbook. Please submit in .jpeg format; preferably under 100kb. This website does not support any other formats. Please make sure any photos you give us, are yours. Avoid taking other people's photos.

Cliff is in the process of writing a series of articles for the QCWA Journal on Novice History. Article one ran in Spring 2008. The Series will run until approximately 2013. The Series has been very well recieved! Not everyone submitting a novice story can be included in the Series/ Obviously, if you send us a story about being a mid-1950s novice, and that article has ran or was send to the Editor of QCWA Journal, we can not include you. However, you can be on the website and in the web updates.

Due to problems with plagarism (read theft) from this website, a copyright label will be placed on your story by Cliff. You will retain the right to use your photos.

Please email your submission to Cliff, AC6C

AC6C --at-- arrl --dot-- net

(change --at-- to @; change --dot-- to . fools spammers).