Our Stories
 Charles Ahlgren WB6IYM
 Jonathan Kramer W6JLK
 Ronald Erickson K0IC
 Jeff Angus WA6FWI 
 Rob Atkinson K5UJ 
 Steve Ewald WV1X
 Rick Andersen KE3IJ
 Dennis Drew W7RVR
 Greg Harris WB9MII 
 David Collingham K3LP
Tim Madden KI4TG
 Cliff Cheng, AC6C
1951 - 1955
1956 - 1960
1961 - 1965
1966 - 1970
1971 - 1975
1976 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000

A Great Decade Before the Decline
Early 1970s

1970:  The ham population in the U.S. stagnates at about 250,000. 

1971:  FCC finally responded to ARRL’s 1969 proposal which it mostly denied.  Technicians were denied Novice privileges.  

1972:  Novices were permitted to use Variable frequency oscillators (VFO) but the VFO had to be FCC Type A accepted.  The “WB” prefix was exhausted in most call districts. 

1972 Novice Frequency Privileges: 

3.7 to 3.75mc CW.
7.1 to 7.150mc, CW.
21.1 to 21.145mc, CW.
28.1 to 28.2mc, CW. 

Note - the 40M Novice band moved down 50kc.  This may have been a hardship since Novices were crystal controlled.  The move was due to the bands being reallocated to increase the size of phone bands.  Incentive licensing created more demand for phone bands.  Novices lost all 2 meter privileges.  

1974:  FCC proposes a code-free “Communicator” license.  Electronics Industry Assn. proposes to take 2mhz from the 220mhz band to create a Class E CB band.  The proposals are not adopted.FCC begins assigning hams call signs from the N and AA to AL prefixes.
CB craze begins.  Prior to this the CB population was stable at 800,000.

1975:  Technicians were granted Novice privileges.