William Wilson, AB0VG
(formerly KA1KBX, 1983)
My first novice dx contact was with a station in the Canary Islands. It was on a Saturday morning and I had decided to go ahead and change the direction on the yagi beam antenna we had to see where my signal would go. I lived in northeast Vermont at that time and had been making contacts all over from Maine to California, including Quebec and Ontario.Back to the dx contact. I sent out a cq and waited. Slowly back came my call sign followed by the letters de and then his callsign. I was so excited because, not only was he my first dx contact, he was also the first contact I had made that was actually sending at 5 words per minute. I got to copy the entire qso and didn't have to send qrs. it was great. I do not remember the call sign because that was over 25 years ago.