Alice King, AI4K
(formerly KA4CSS, 1978)
My time as a novice was about two years. The same month my husband and I received our novice licenses (KA4CSS and KA4CTF), we bought a new (to us) house. It was a good, solid house, built in the 1950's, and I am still living in it. Therefore, the first year of our licensing was not very active.
We finally got up a 5-band folded dipole and started working on Worked All States. The rig was a Kenwood TS 830S with a Murch tuner. I also started my career in DXing at that time. By the spring of '80, we both were down to 2 states to go on WAS so we held off on upgrading until we reached that goal. Meanwhile, we had acquired a 45' tower and tri-band beam. My WAS NOVICE is dated July 9, 1981. We had upgraded to General immediately after qualifying for the WAS and became N4DDK & N4DDJ.
As a side note, those general calls are now held by my son's children (Sarah and Brian). Feel free to edit and/or paraphrase as suits your needs.
Alice/ AI4K/ exKA4CSS/ N4DDK