Our Stories
 Mary Moore WX4MM
 Tom Fagan K7DF
 John Yasuda WB6PTC
 Lyle Heide WB9VTM
 Charles Bibb K5ZK
 Scott McMullen W5ESE
 Steve Melachrinos W3HF
 Marcel Livesay N5VU
 Rick Palm, K1CE
 Keith Darwin N1AS
 Russ Roberts KH6JRM
 Barry Whittemore WB1EDI
 Tom Herold N9BUL
 Larry Makoski W2LJ
 Alice King AI4K
 Fred Soper KC8FS
 Ann Santos WA1S
 Bill Brown KA6KBC 
 Matt Tinker AA8P
1951 - 1955
1956 - 1960
1961 - 1965
1966 - 1970
1971 - 1975
1976 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000

Barry Whittemore, WB1EDI (1977)

After finding a Hallicrafters S38A on a junk shelf in Radio Shack in Concord  NH i started listening to the Short Wave stations and eventually heard some people just talking to each other. This was a group of new england 80 meter AM ops. That got me interested. i ended up getting a Hallicrafters SX101 RX and was able to listen to SSB and CW.  I taught myself CW and rules etc. After a while i heard of an ongoing Ham radio class in a nearby town and went over to join the class. 

The man running it (K1TMD) told me that i was not likely to catch up as they were several weeks into the class. After the class he told me that i was way ahead of the others in the class. i already knew all the code etc and had studied the theory/rules. He gave me my Novice exam with an on air QSO from his station as my 5wpm code test. I soon bought a Yaesu FT101E like my elmers. On June 13th 1977 my Ticket arrived, WB1EDI. I listened and heard nothing so i called CQ a few times with no one coming back. a while later i heard W2BXP calling CQ in the Novice band on 80 meters. Bill was very patient with my poor sending and he got my address and sent me a QSL card. My very first QSL card. After a few months of going at it with CW on the bands i was called by Glenn WB1EJH from CT. I was his first contact. I proudly display the QSL cards from W1BXP and WB1EJH on my shack wall. Neither op is listed in QRZ any more. Bill i suspect is a silent Key and Glenn (who was 14 at the time) i assume gave up the hobby. These were 2 first for me that i can still remember fondly 30 years later. In sept of 1977 i passed my general exam but failed the CW so i got a Technician class licence and went off to Navy Boot camp. after a short career in the Navy i got back to NH and got my Advanced in 93 and Extra in 94. 

I still do CW the way i did as a Novice. I use a straight key and more recently a bug.
