Our Stories
 Bernie Huth W4BGH
 Bill Penhallegon W4STX
 Mike Branca W3IRZ
 Woody Pope ex-KN5GCM
 Ken Barber W2DTC
 Wayne Beck K5MB 
 Chuck Counselman W1HIS
 Dan Cron W6SBE
 Keith Synder KE7IOW
 Cam Harriot KI6WK 
 Ray Colbert W5XE 
 Slim Copeland K4KCS
 Dean Norris K7NO 
 John Fuller K4HQK
 Bill Tippett W4ZV
 Paula Keiser K8PK
 Mickey LeBoeuf K5ML
 Jim Cadien KC7ZMV
 Tony Rogozinski W4OI 
 Norm Goodkin K6YXH
 Doug Millar K6JEY
 Richard Cohen K6DBR
 Dick Newsome W0HXL
 Jeff Lackey K8CQ
 John Miller K6MM
 Al Burnham K6RIM 
 Jeff Wolf K6JW
 Jay Slough K4ZLE
 Mike Chernus K6PZN
 Richard Dillman W6AWO
 Stan Miln K6RMR 
 George Ison K4ZMI
 Don Minkoff NK6A  
 Tom Wilson K7FA
 Glen Zook K9STH
 Val Erwin W5PUT 
 Chas Shinn W7MAP/5
 Dean Straw N6BV
 Art Mouton K5FNQ
 Bob Silverman WA6MRK
Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH
1951 - 1955
1956 - 1960
1961 - 1965
1966 - 1970
1971 - 1975
1976 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000

Dick Newsome, W0HXL
(formerly KN8GSV, 1957)

I was 16 years old and received my Novice license in July of 1957. My call was KN8GSV and I put Otsego, MI. on the air. I studied the ARRL "How To Become A Radio Amateur" manual and learned CW with a door bell buzzer, batteries, and a straight key. I did not have an elmer.

My first transmitter was a homebrew 6AG7 oscillator, 5Y3 rectifier, built from the 1956 ARRL Handbook. It ran 7 to 10 watts on 80 and 40 meters (I still have the transmitter). My antenna was a Gotham V80 vertical and the receiver was a National NC-88. My crystals were 3.711, 3.723, 3.731, 3.741, 7.155, 7.173, and 7.189 Megacycles.

While still a Novice, I built a Heathkit DX-20 transmitter and traded the NC-88 in for a new Hallicrafters SX-100 receiver. Boy, did that receiver have selectivity and gain!!  I could separate all those cw signals on 80 and 40 meters and copy was much easier.

I received my General ticket in November of 1958 as K8GSV and operated from Otsego until enlisting in the U.S. Air Force in August of 1959. I spent 4 years in SAC with the USAF and worked in communications (teletype, crypto, and SSB radio).

I met my wife, Sharon, while stationed at SAC Headquarters near Omaha, NE. After serving a 2 year tours of duty in England, we returned to civilian life in Omaha. I then became W0HXL in August of 1963.

The Novice license gave me an interest in electronics and communications which led to good training and experience in the USAF. It also led to an excellent 28 year career with the Xerox Corporation, where I retired as a Field Engineer.

That Novice year was very exciting with cw qso's and listening to Sputnik on 20 Megacycles in October of 1957. What a great way to get started in amateur radio!! I have been continuously licensed since my Novice ticket arrived in July of 1957.


   Dick Newsome W0HXL

   (formerly KN8GSV, K8GSV)

   QCWA Life Member 21440

   Omaha Chapter 210 QCWA