Our Stories
 Bernie Huth W4BGH
 Bill Penhallegon W4STX
 Mike Branca W3IRZ
 Woody Pope ex-KN5GCM
 Ken Barber W2DTC
 Wayne Beck K5MB 
 Chuck Counselman W1HIS
 Dan Cron W6SBE
 Keith Synder KE7IOW
 Cam Harriot KI6WK 
 Ray Colbert W5XE 
 Slim Copeland K4KCS
 Dean Norris K7NO 
 John Fuller K4HQK
 Bill Tippett W4ZV
 Paula Keiser K8PK
 Mickey LeBoeuf K5ML
 Jim Cadien KC7ZMV
 Tony Rogozinski W4OI 
 Norm Goodkin K6YXH
 Doug Millar K6JEY
 Richard Cohen K6DBR
 Dick Newsome W0HXL
 Jeff Lackey K8CQ
 John Miller K6MM
 Al Burnham K6RIM 
 Jeff Wolf K6JW
 Jay Slough K4ZLE
 Mike Chernus K6PZN
 Richard Dillman W6AWO
 Stan Miln K6RMR 
 George Ison K4ZMI
 Don Minkoff NK6A  
 Tom Wilson K7FA
 Glen Zook K9STH
 Val Erwin W5PUT 
 Chas Shinn W7MAP/5
 Dean Straw N6BV
 Art Mouton K5FNQ
 Bob Silverman WA6MRK
Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH
1951 - 1955
1956 - 1960
1961 - 1965
1966 - 1970
1971 - 1975
1976 - 1980
1981 - 1990
1991 - 2000

Tony Rogozinski, W4OI
(formerly KN5LMJ, 1957)

I was first licensed in July 1957 (can't believe it's been 51 years!!!) as KN5LMJ in Carlsbad, New Mexico.  Since we were 175 miles from the nearest testing station in El Paso I was give the test by a local ham.  I remember his name but not his call. 

My father had been an SWL for many years beginning in the 20's and I had done some SWL'ing and received QSL's from shortwave stations so my immediate Ham Radio interest was in DX'ing.

The first rig was a Hallicrafters S38D and a homebrew 6146 transmitter.  I used a Straight key initially - can't remember what it was but most likely a J-38 but I quickly moved on to a Johnson Speed-X 514 bug.  (As an aside the Speed X was a right handed Bug and I'm left handed but I didn't realize that left handed bugs were available so I learned to send with the one I had with the wrong hand.  Later I changed to a keyer and continued to use the contacts the on the same sides as the bug.  Finally in 1967 while working in the Seychelles Islands for RCA and operating as VQ9AR I decided to learn to send with my right hand so that I could write with my left hand and increase my QSO rate in contests.  When I switched to my right hand for sending I reversed the keyer contacts!!  I can today send with both hands equally as well but the keyer connections are reversed and anyone who wants to use my key to send with has a problem! ;-))

Band conditions, as luck would have it, were fabulous in 1957/58, the highest sunspot numbers ever and 15 meters was open to Europe and all other parts of the world everyday and sometimes all night long.  I was able to find a Collins 75A-2 receiver for a very cheap price and my father helped me put up a 30' tower so that I cold get on 15  with a homebrew 2 element beam as described in an issue of CQ Magazine.

It was made from 2X4's and bamboo poles wrapped in tinfoil and taped so it wouldn't come off.  I didn't have any coax so I fed the beam with TV Twin Lead cable.  The transmitter had a SO239 connector for the antenna so I just stuck one side of the twin lead into the center connection and attached the other side to the ground side of the SO239.  Gosh knows how high the VSWR was but I had no tuner or meter to check and frankly didn't know about that stuff.  I really had no Elmer so it was all learn from experience.  In any case with that setup I worked 65 countries as a Novice from the Black Hole of Eastern New Mexico!!!  I would hook up with Bill W4ZV- then KN4RID, KN0LFY Tony, and another well known ham Scott KN0DQI, now K0DQ who went on to an illustrious career in the U.S. Navy and as most recently as the Director of National Counterterrorism for President Bush, on 15 and we would chat about DX.  Of course Bill became the first Novice to work and confirm DXCC.   I was always crystal controlled but made my own "VFO' by drilling a hole in the top of the FT243 and threaded a screw through that hole to increase or decrease the pressure on the galena crystal inside the case and move frequency a bit one way or the other!  It was fun to hear a DX station calling CQ on, lets say, 21050, call him on 21105 or so and have him come back to me!  I can't imagine why those DX stations tuned 50 KHZ or so off frequency but they often did!

I passed my General Class Exam in July of 1958 and became K5LMJ and the rest is History but it's been a great ride and a wonderful hobby!


  Tony Rogozinski
       Amateur Radio W4OI - W4AMR - HK1AR
         EX-N7BG, K5LMJ, K4KES, WA6BOU,
       W6JPC W7HZF, F7BK, VP5AR, VQ9AR,
          OJ0/N7BG, CN2BG, 5V7BG, TY5AR
          9G5AR, TU/N7BG, ZC4BG, HK3KAV
                  HK0/HK1AR, and others.....
             I've been to 103  DXCC Countries